Our capsules are easy digestable and vegetable based with no animal products used.
Inside each capsule contains high quality, organic herbal food. Food to feed your liver, feed your sex organs, and feed your colon.
Taking capsulated herbs an easy to use option that is easy to travel with. It is a great option to add to your home apothecary.
We believe that every home should have a stock of good food, teas, tonics & oils to be used to continuously raise the vibrations of each person in the family. Inspired by doctor's whose patients complain about complicated diet changes, our blends are made incorporate into even the busiest lifestyles. Each formula is made to increase the body's ability to eliminate toxins, alkalize the blood, energize the body and relax the mind. A little herb a day goes a long way ~ enjoy!
Tel: (504) 782 - 4855
Tel: (876) 589 - 1967
e: info@herbnbush.com