Cascara Sagrada is an herbal food that has a laxative effect. It is known to stimulate and tone the intestines helping to remove hard to reach waste deposits. As a warning, cascara should be used with caution for those who suffer with diarrhea or abdominal pains as it may increase these symptoms and cause health issues. It is not meant for long-term use.
We believe that every home should have a stock of good food, teas, tonics & oils to be used to continuously raise the vibrations of each person in the family. Inspired by doctor's whose patients complain about complicated diet changes, our blends are made incorporate into even the busiest lifestyles. Each formula is made to increase the body's ability to eliminate toxins, alkalize the blood, energize the body and relax the mind. A little herb a day goes a long way ~ enjoy!
Tel: (504) 782 - 4855
Tel: (876) 589 - 1967