This herb'n tonic supports the iron and mineral levels in the blood. This combination is great for anyone who has difficulty in this area. Tonic contains Saraparilla, Red Raspberry and Blessed Thistle. Great additive to the Foundational BLend.
Red Raspberry.. High in Magnesium, Potassium and Iron, Great for women's health
Sarsparilla.. One of the highest concentrations of iron in plant form.
Blessed Thistle.. Increases circulation and oxygen to brain and cleanses at a cellular level
Directions: Add 10 to 20 drops to water or juice, several times each day, as needed. Shake well before using.
Ingredients: Herbs and water & organic grain alcohol.
We believe that every home should have a stock of good food, teas, tonics & oils to be used to continuously raise the vibrations of each person in the family. Inspired by doctor's whose patients complain about complicated diet changes, our blends are made incorporate into even the busiest lifestyles. Each formula is made to increase the body's ability to eliminate toxins, alkalize the blood, energize the body and relax the mind. A little herb a day goes a long way ~ enjoy!
Tel: (504) 782 - 4855
Tel: (876) 589 - 1967